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Madison County Sports Hall of Fame

Nomination Criteria

The Madison County Sports Hall of Fame has been established for the purpose of honoring individuals or special teams who have made a significant impact and brought great recognition to themselves for outstanding achievements.

Criteria has been established for the purpose of nominating deserving candidates and teams. When submitting a nomination, please be sure to include as much pertinent information as possible on the nomination form.

Baseball Glove
Baseball Coach



1. Individual should be a Madison County native, or have earned deserving recognition in one or more of the below categories while residing in Madison County.


Categories and examples for individual nominations are:

  • ATHLETE (All-State, All-Conference,All-Region, career, single season or game record holder, MVP, college or professional career)

  • COACH / ADMINISTRATOR / OFFICIAL (Career record, honors received such as coach of the year, championships won, major contributor to school athletics, leader on local, state, or national levels, total years of service, etc.)

  • MEDIA (radio/TV, sportswriter/SID) (Professional awards and  honors received, years of service, contributions to profession, etc.)

  • COMMUNITY LEADER / SUPPORTER (booster club organizer or officer, fundraising leader, youth league officer or coach, etc.)


2. For a team to be nominated, it should have achieved a special recognition for capturing championships, or for historical significance.

Examples for team nominations are:

  • Has historical significance (first team, etc.)

  • State or Regional Championships

  • Set school, state, or national record

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